Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Here is a bunch of links

Monday, August 20, 2007

P90X workout review success

I really recommend that other people using the P90X track their progress in some public way. It is great not be alone in your P90X workouts. By blogging about it you can get comments from people and tap into a vast community of P90Xers, and also have it as a great record of your progress. So when you review your P90X experience you can see that you have the ability to bring it! not just in working out but it all other areas of life as well.

You can check out my P90X review at www.p90x-review.com

Also, get your P90X workout system here!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My other Blog over at P90X-review.com

I have been inspired to start a more customizable blog about the P90X workout over at a new domain p90x-review.com. I will be taking a photo everyday after my P90X workouts. Most fitness programs show the before and after pictures of the people using the system. I want to put the system to the real test and show my day to day progress on the P90X system. It should be a fun ride. So be sure to check out my p90x review over at p90x-review.com.

I just discovered the P90X workout system

I just saw the infomerical for the "P90X Extreme Home Fitness System" and I must say that it is exactly what I have been looking for. The P90X system comes with 12 DVDs that you play at home, and a nutrition guide. The workout does not claim to get you easy or fast results. Instead, it is a system devised for those who willing to put in time and serious effort to get absolutely ripped.

It is a complete workout in that it covers all major areas of fitness. There are several resistance workouts to build muscle. But the best part is that it also includes yoga, stretching, plyometrics, and even a fun marshal arts inspired Kenpo workout. The P90X got its name from being the Extreme version of the Power 90 workout which was Tony Horton's (the host of the program), previous workout DVD. The P90x program works in 90 day blocks that consist of three phases. Phase 1 is about learning and getting the moves down. Phase 2 is about building lots of muscle. And Phase 3 is about really bringing it hard core to tighten tone and master all the moves.

Click here to find out more about the P90X workout program.